
Monthly Budget and Debt Tracker Digitally editable and printable. Digitally editable Fill-in PDF colorful bright neat budgeting tool

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Monthly Budget and Debt Tracker Digitally editable and printable. Digitally editable Fill-in PDF colorful bright neat budgeting tool


Tired of wasting paper to figure out the monthly budget? Ready for something more visually pleasing?

Looking to be more productive?

Well then, this is the Monthly Budget Tracker for you!

Now, I know what you're thinking... How is this related to Witchery? Well, witches have budgets as well! This can help with our mundane day to day obligations!

Let me tell you about the awesome features:

You get two PDF files containing one page that you can completely fill-in right in the PDF file. You also get a PDF file of print-only pages for ease of use. Making this bundle a total of 4 pages.

Super easy to use, plenty of space for brainstorming notes, calculations, breakdowns, and keeping track of all your monthly bills.

The Monthly Tracker features:

- month field so you can reuse or update each month

- three notes sections with unlimited space for brainstorming, side notes, and budget breakdowns.

- a section dedicated to income for the month- keep track of all income you expect to receive each month

- a section dedicated to the first half of the month expenses and bills

- a section dedicated to the second half of the month expenses and bills

The Debt Tracker Features:

- month field so you can reuse or update each month

- total combined debt

- Complete pay off date goal

- tracker for the creditor, interest rate, start balance balance owed, early payoff amount, pay off date, due date, and paid off checkboxes

- notepad for brainstorming and additional notes

Great for those who live on a bi-weekly, weekly budget or on combined income.

Pull it up on your phone, on the go, whenever you need to edit or peak at your budget quickly!

BONUS: Designed with edge space for punching holes in case you prefer to print it out after its filled out, or print it out blank to fill out manually. Made in US letter size so it is compatible with most printers worldwide.

Important: This is a digital download. No physical product will be sent to you.

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Two Digitally Editable PDF worksheets

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